400 telephone usage
400电话已经成为企业的必须品,400号码也已经成为很多公司的标志,一个没有400电话的公司,已会让人产生疑问。 在各大行业,如政府企事业单位、机械制造业、交通运输、建筑及房地产、金融保险及投资、住宿餐饮、
400 phone has become a must for enterprises, 400 number has also become
the logo of many companies, a company without 400 phone, will make
people question. In major industries, such as government enterprises and
institutions, machinery manufacturing, transportation, construction and
real estate, financial insurance and investment, accommodation and
Wholesale and retail, computer software and hardware, social services
and security, education, sports and entertainment have been widely used,
and 400 telephones have been basically opened in multinational
enterprises and listed companies in China.
在中国的世界500强企业、中国的上市公司,几乎都开通了400电话,为用户分摊话费,体现了用户至上的理念也体现了企业的形象。 开通400定州苗木 保定网站建设 保定电动门 保定空压机 化粪池模具 微型蠕动泵 上海起帆电缆企业热线,让贵公司形象立即与跨国公司比肩,这是形象的提升,更是经营理念的提升。
Almost all of the world's top 500 enterprises and listed companies in
China have opened 400 telephones to share the telephone charges for
users, reflecting the concept of user first and the image of the
enterprise. Open 400 enterprise hotline, let your company's image
immediately compare with that of multinational companies, which is the
improvement of image and business philosophy